Loveland is shopping central, and specifically outdoor gear central! With the highest concentration of sporting goods stores in the region, Loveland is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts. Whether preparing for an escapade in the Rocky Mountains or stocking up on gear for local adventures, you’ll find everything you need from big box retailers or boutique stores.
In addition to outdoor gear, the Promenade Shops at Centerra and the surrounding area provides premium shopping in northern Colorado and boutiques in downtown Loveland offer local charm with unique clothing and keepsakes.
If you’d rather return home with a work of art as a souvenier or just enjoy immersing yourself in creativity, Loveland has a variety of galleries for you to peruse. Experience the work of local artists and maybe even catch an artist lecture or a workshop.
Visit Loveland is an entity of the City of Loveland, Colorado
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Site Design by One Tribe Creative
5400 Stone Creek Circle
Loveland, Colorado 80538
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Monday to Saturday:
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Please call: 970-667-3882
or 800-258-1278
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